The Spatial Health Research Group (SHRG) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is led by Dr. Michael Emch. Research activities of the SHRG  focus on exploring spatio-temporal patterns of disease, primarily infectious diseases of the developing world. Disease patterns are studied using a holistic approach that investigates the roles of social, natural, and built environments in disease occurrence in different places and populations. The diverse statistical and spatial analytical methods used are informed by theory from the fields of medical geography, epidemiology, ecology, and others. Said theories and methods are used to examine topics such as: how social connectivity contributes to disease incidence, the role of population-environment drivers in viral evolution, and using environmental indicators to predict disease outbreaks. The SHRG also works closely with the UNC Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, and Ecology Lab, of which Dr. Emch is also a member.

Contact Information

Michael Emch
UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599